Sunday, May 27, 2007

Day 143---Friday

After their half day at school today, I took the kids out to lunch at Subway downtown---near the library we were going also. I asked the kids, "How do you feel about being out of school for the summer?" These are the faces they gave me to take a picture of in regards to that question.
Jamie is happy. He's officially done with elementary school, and ready to move on. You might notice his shirt he got everyone to sign. It's his "school" shirt---with the elem.'s name on it. He's done with it. Now it's a piece of memorabilia. You might notice, too, that someone wrote "KICK ME" right there by his shoulder. (And he cut his own hair in the front! I have given him a talking to about that.)

B has mixed feelings about being done with 2nd grade. She didn't want to smile, and she didn't want to frown. You might notice she is doing a workbook in Spanish that her teacher gave her. She can't stop doing schoolwork even right after her last day.

We had a great lunch and walked over to the library to sign up for the summer reading program. B got 2 hours of reading done that afternoon! J did one whole hour, and I thought that was good, too.

1 comment:

Desert Songbird said...

My fifth grader is nervous is about starting sixth grade/middle school (our school is a K-8, but the middle school is set apart from the other part of the campus). My second grader is nervous about starting third grade.

Oh well. Life goes on, and they'll survive. In fact, I think they'll thrive, but we'll have to wait and see!