Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Day 123---Saturday

This is our group---recognize the shirts?
We had 13 Brownies and 4 Juniors---everyone in the troop got to go! We had 8 adults with us, too, which was wonderful.

One of the highlights for us was B getting to feed the giraffe. The Mom of one of our Brownies had a personal connection to someone who worked for the zoo. They were college roommates. Anyway, she took us behind the Africa exhibit and saw a few of the animals close up we fed this giraffe some carrots. An extra priveledge! Isn't that a long tongue?


Desert Songbird said...

My daughter loves giraffes - she got to feed one once at our zoo, and she was over the moon! I'll bet your girls thought that was a blast.

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

I love giraffes too, but at a distance! I don't think I'd want that tongue coming at me :)