Monday, May 21, 2007

Day 139---Monday

Can you tell what this is? I didn't have the strength to bring it any further into the house---yet----when I took the picture. This is an intact snakeskin I found outside. I was putting away the big trashcan when I looked down by our square stepping stone. There it was, right where a real, live snake had shed it. *shiver* My first thought was, "My class is going to love this!" but I realized that school's out and I'll have to wait 'till next year. B is home sick and I showed her, and she's planning already to take it to school with her. We put it in a shoebox. I'd guess this is about two feet long. *shiver* Now where is our little friend living?


Desert Songbird said...

Ewwwwwwwww! [[shuddering]]

'Scuse me while I run in abject terror...

Southern Girl said...

Cool! We have one of those around here somewhere. Several years ago my mom caught a speckled king snake in our driveway and she and my little brother made a cage for it. We had Speck for quite a while and he shed his skin a few times. So if you run across one like that, don't kill it -- they make great pets! ;)

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

OK, I had to scroll down to read the text without seeing the photo. EWWW! I have a deathly, insane fear of snakes, even pictures of them.

I hope that guy is long gone from your yard :)

Desert Songbird said...

See, Stacy and I have even more in common - not only a fear of snakes, but a fear of photos of them as well!

Sparky Duck said...

*holding back vomit* ok where do you live so I never ever visit ;)