Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day 106---Wednesday

This is another train picture. I had to sit and wait today before I got to the kids' schools. But I made good use of my time---I got out my camera again. It seemed like this long train had lots of automobiles in the train cars. I always wonder if they're making them in, say, Michigan, and shipping them down to Houston.


Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Very cool angle! What a great way to sit and wait for a train to pass :)

Desert Songbird said...

We don't have any train tracks near where I live, but when I was home in Indianapolis last weekend, it was fun to hear the trains in the near distance. Reminded me of my childhood.

a said...

This is a great shot! :)

marianne said...

Oh, I love the clarity of the crossing gate and the somewhat blurred train - great shot!