Saturday, April 14, 2007

Day 100---Thursday

You can tell this is out the windshield of my car! I was stopped by a long train today, and had the camera handy. It's a little scary having all that power and weight so close to me, but it's exciting, too. Fortunately I was not in a hurry to get somewhere! I had just picked up the kids from school.


Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

That's a great shot Jenny! First, I'm impressed that you had your camera and thought to take a picture! Second, it's a great shot, not blurry, lined up really well, and boy - the sky is so blue! :)

marianne said...

very cool shot and way to be prepared! I can almost feel the rumble as it goes by.

Desert Songbird said...

I agree with Stacy - good catch on the train. Not blurry at all!