Monday, March 26, 2007

Day 80---Friday

It has been very hard to pick a picture for today! I got some more photos of bluebonnets---the first of the season. But I have been eyeing these irises for a few weeks. For some reason, white iries come up around here in March, and when I was growing up, all the irises came up in early May or so. My grandparents grew irises and even judged irses in shows. My grand-dad photographed them. My grandmother was vice president (president, maybe?) of her regional American Iris Society.


Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Gorgeous! Look at all of them, they look wonderful :) I love irises. I have a few purple ones in my yard, and I bet the white would look good with them :)

Anonymous said...

You are right. Grandmother was the Regional Vice President of the American Iris Society. The region included ARkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, I think that there were a few more states maybe Texas but I can't remember for sure.
