Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Day 61---Sunday

This is the day I began knitting again. B's Tabitha Class at church was being taught to knit, and I just had to join in. My Mom's Mom---Grandmother J.---taught me and my sister to knit one summer when we went to stay with them in Arkansas. We did all kinds of crafts, and we knit some Barbie dresses I know. :-) I am turning this blue yarn into a scarf as I practice knitting, but my goal is to learn to knit a pattern for something.


Anonymous said...

I've got to learn how to do that! Very pretty blue :)

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

I think I might learn to knit one day, but can't find the motivation right now. Plus, it doesn't get very cold here, so it doesn't seem all that practical! Can't wait to see your scarf though, this blue is so pretty!