Monday, March 19, 2007

Day 76---Monday

This picture was inspired by a scrapbooking site called Scrapbook Addict. The hostess is suggesting a picture prompt for every day of March. This was Sunday's but I thought it would be a interesting challenge. I am also playing with black and white---with digital, it changes from color to B/W at the click of a button!

When we were together last week, my sister and I both were looking at our hands thinking they looked old. The palm side still looks good! This is the left hand in case anyone reads palms.


Anonymous said...

Neat picture and thanks for posting the interesting link!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Ooh, Jenny, I've been doing some of the photo prompts that Kathy is posting at SBA too. I haven't done this one yet. Yours is great! I really don't want to photograph my hand, I have the ugliest hands on the planet, and not even b&w can camoflage that :)

Desert Songbird said...

I think when we become moms, our hands age instantly! It probably has to do with the fact that we wash our hands hundreds of times each day, and we're too busy or forgetful to use hand cream.

Great idea for a photo!

Trish said...

Very cool!

marianne said...

wonderful shot - I love the texture behind your hand.

You know, I thought the same thing when I saw my finger in the oxygen thingy - ewww, old!! kinda creeps up on us!

I'm going to use some of those prompts too!