Thursday, August 16, 2007

Day 225---Wednesday

B and I have worked on this library of books at my workplace. It's 5 shelves tall, and sorted by subject. This day we got through "Transportation." I'm trying to inventory the books we have, to see what kinds of books we might still need.
Aren't they colorful? Our center is blessed to have such a large collection.


a said...

Do you all share the books?

I LOVE children's lit...I have a HUGE personal library and can't wait for kiddos to share my books with!

Desert Songbird said...

I remember the huge library at my kids' preschool. They loved me when, about a year or so ago, I pulled up with a truck full of books to donate to the library. My kids had FINALLY gotten around to cleaning their bookcases, and the preschool was the beneficiary.