This was the day of the funeral.
Of course when there is a funeral, people get together who don't see each other very often. We had not seen this sibling pair in a long time. This is Ben and Jodi, who are Larry's niece and nephew. (The kids of his older brother, Mike, the 3rd child of his dad.) There is a family resemblance! We hadn't seen them in like 8 years, maybe? So they were teens the last we saw them. Now Ben is 24 and has a 2 year old boy and a stepson, age ten. Whew! Time flies.
It seemed too weird to take pictures at the funeral, but I almost wish I did. What is your feeling on that? We had the service at the funeral home, and then a Masonic service graveside plus a military 21-gun salute from the VFW. It was all pretty nice.
I may be weird, but I think funerals are a perfect time for photos because that's when families are gathered. You rarely see these people, and what better time to reconnect and make new memories? Seems more people attend funerals than weddings.
I wish I had taken more photos!
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