Monday, February 26, 2007

Day 53---Saturday

This one is of a big group of grackels (I am not sure of the spelling!). They invade our area in the spring, and they were terrible on campus. They were moving through our neighborhood after a morning rain.

This is a bonus shot for Saturday! We went to the library, and I just love being upstairs in the children's section. J and B had made their selections. It was time to go downstairs and check them out at the self-serve machine. In a meeting room, there was a group having a violin recital. It was nice!The picture below is the library from the outside.

1 comment:

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Sigh, great shots, and I just adore the library! Sigh because I'm jealous you can check out books with a self-serve machine. No such modern conveniences where I live!

Grackels - is that like a black bird or a crow? We have hordes of black birds here like that. Great shot. I could never in a million years capture them in one frame, but you did a great job!

So glad to see everyone reading, it's my favorite pasttime, except for blogging, of course!