Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Day 280---Monday

I wanted to have a picture of B on school picture day. I didn't get one in the morning, but here's one of her helping me make dinner. She said her class got rained on right before they went for pictures! I told her it was a good thing she wore braids!

Do you like her outfit? It's a sort of jumper dress that she wears with leggings. We went all over trying to find just the right thing for picture day----it had to be $20. I ended up getting the dress and leggings for about $23.

Not only was it picture day, but also, B was turning in her project. Also, when we got to school, everyone was outside---apparently at a before school fire drill? The alarms were going off. I was hesitant to just leave her, but she hopped right out of the car. I am just not sure it was a drill----I wonder what was really going on?

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