Friday, January 12, 2007

Day 9---Thursday

I took my digital camera outdoors on the playground at work yesterday. I got several really nice shots, but this one tells a story. The boys had commandeered the jungle gym area, and were not letting the girls get on. This little girl was telling them that the girls were going to get up there and not let the boys push them around. This is a typical scene at my workplace! I have found that these kids, aged 4 and 5, almost always start having "teams" in this second half of the year. I guess it is a developmental stage they are going through. But it leads to some hurt feelings---always! This particular class was doing teams from the start, though. It's not always boys vs. girls, but today the lines were clearly drawn.

1 comment:

Rachel M. said...

Hey I know all about that!
Just thought I would leave you a comment. I like seeing the pics.
your sister Rachbo