Saturday, September 1, 2007

Day 241---Friday

This is the front of B's school, where I went for lunch today. I won't have very many days I can go eat up at the kids' schools this school year, so I thought I'd take advantage of it. See all those portable classrooms to the right? B is in one of these this year while they build on a whole new wing. There isn't just one row of classrooms---it's two rows---about 15 classrooms, I think!


Desert Songbird said...

Our school opened the year my daughter was in kindergarten, and I'm thankful that, thus far, we've not needed to add portable classrooms. I'm crossing my fingers it stays that way!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Ooh, portable classrooms sort of scare me, when the weather gets bad. Hope everyone stays alert and safe! :)